St Michael’s Mount wedding photographs

St Michael's mount wedding photographs 0 penzance registry office wedding

This St Michael’s Mount wedding was pretty challenging with 45mph winds and horizontal driving rain. So I thought this blog post would be great to show the brides point of view. It was only a 2 hour booking (very similar to this blog post)but if it had been a full day we could have used other times in the day to capture images whilst it was less stormy.

Here is what Gemma said about the day,

We traveled down to Cornwall the day before we were due to get married and the sun was shining.  Our guests consisted of two friends who were to be our witnesses.
On the morning of our wedding I woke up and had so many different emotions- excitement, nervousness,I was very happy but also a little sad…..the weather was dry although quite windy but rain had been forecast, I hoped we would make it beyond our photos before the rain started.
The hairdresser arrived at 8 and things were soon in full swing, we sipped champagne and chatted away.
Soon it was time to get ready. I got dressed, my friend Mel zipped me up and I added a precious pearl bracelet I had borrowed from my Mum, my Dad had given it to her……
As we left our beautiful cottage It started to rain.
The next hour whizzed by. We arrived at the registry office and by this time I had butterflies. Damian and I met the registrars and had a chat and went through the details and again there were a few more tears….
Neither if us remember what music played as we walked in, the ceremony started and gradually I started to relax- until it was my turn to say my vows, there was one line I could not recall what I had been asked to repeat!!
It was soon all over and we left Penzance registry office to drive to St Michael’s Mount, Marazion beach to have our photos taken. We arrived in the car park and were warned by our photographer Paul that we would be in for a bit of a battering- the wind was high and the rain seemed to be coming in sideways. He even lent me a ski coat that he had in his car- how grateful I was!!
We battled walking along the top of the beach with brollies that kept blowing inside out. When we got to where we needed to be we had some photos taken with me putting the coat on in between trying to keep warm. We all got extremely wet. But, we saw the funny side and had to laugh.
We decided to call it a day with the photos and Paul kindly offered to do another shoot on Sunday which we took him up on- we were cold and wet through.
We had to get changed before we went for our wedding lunch as it looked like we’d taken a shower in our wedding attire.
On Sunday we met again and we were able to walk along the same beach and although cold and fairly windy it was dry. I was able to walk bare foot along the sand and we had a great time.
The photos are so much better than we originally thought they would be- we were just amazed with the high quality considering how bad  the weather had been.
Paul did say that it was the possibly the most challenging weather he had photographed a wedding in. But looking at the quality of the photos you would never have believed it!

As usual, here is a selection of favourite St Michael’s Mount wedding photographs.  Please feel free to share on social media, or leave a comment.

Penzance registry office Penzance registry office wedding wedding at Penzance registry office winter wedding at Penzance registry office stormy cornish winter wedding Windy wedding in cornwall Wet and windy at St Michael's mount Winter wedding at St Michael's Mount rainy wedding in Cornwall Wet winter wedding in Cornwall Bride and groom sooked at their winter wedding in Cornwall

A bit dryer on the Sunday for round 2! st Michael's mount wedding photographs 12 penzance registry office wedding St Michael's mount wedding photographs Bride and groom on Marazion beach for wedding photographs infront of st michael's mount Dramatic wedding photographs at St Michael's mount Stormy weather wedding at St Michael's mount st Michael's mount wedding photographs 17penzance registry office wedding Wedding photographs at Marazion beach Wedding photographs at St Michael's mount wedding shoes at the marazion beach st Michael's mount wedding photographs 21 penzance registry office weddingIf you would love some St Michael’s Mount wedding photographs then please do not hesitate to contact me or to view more photographs head over to my blog

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